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overview of values and formulas

Values and formulas will focus on what to do with a Range after you have it. This typically falls into a couple of categories:

  • Do some control logic based on the value of the Cell
  • Apply some formatting to the cell
  • Modify the formulas of the cell
  • Manipulate the cell or its neighbors in order to produce a more useful result
  • Transform the cells based on their content
  • Do something specific to Excel with the Range: conditional formatting, data validation, comment, hyperlink etc.
  • adding or deleting a Range or possibly just using one of the clear function

In addition to those basic tasks, also include:

  • Working with Conditional Formatting
  • Combining some more advanced topics like using the data in a Range to manipulate something about a Chart

TODO: run through bUTL and see what other category of things there are